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Tech Support & Devices

Teacher talking to two students while working on a chromebook

Technical Services Mission

If we, the Department of Technical Services, strive to provide exemplary customer service rooted in best instructional & equity practices, then central office staff, schools, and the Madison community thrive & prepare our students to become community, college, and career-ready.

Our Responsibilities

  • Desktop environment: Replacement, maintenance, and support of 32,000+ devices in 60 buildings and 18 alternative sites.
  • LAN/WAN/Server environment: maintenance of approximately 200 file servers with multiple operating systems in 2 data centers serving an area of over 65+ square mile area; upgrades & maintenance of all associated communications devices including a Storage Area Network, switches & routers; collaborative trouble-shooting with support vendors of enterprise systems as needed
  • Enterprise application management: provide and/or support web-based applications, email systems, and library data systems, and support enterprise business applications
  • Helpdesk: staff online work-order, phone-based and on site technical support services. Staff can call 663-5853 between 7:00 am and 4:30 pm on weekdays
  • Technical Research & Development: assess scalability, plan for sustainability, and coordinate deployment of upgrades to current or new hardware and software technologies.
  • Security: maintain security for all technology systems and district data; maintain disaster recovery preparedness; maintain Internet access filtering systems; maintain data backup and archiving systems

MMSD Wifi Solutions

We are committed to doing everything we can to ensure all students can access the internet for virtual learning. Find internet access options here.